WP Robot Plugin
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Transcription: What I want to show you now is a plugin called WP Robot. Now, WP Robot isn't a free plug-in; it's one that you have to pay for.
This is their website, wprobot.net. The reason we like this is it's very, very powerful. You can post Amazon, eBay, Clickbank, YouTube, Yahoo Answers, et cetera, et cetera. And you can monetize these. Now, the first thing you can monetize with your affiliate links and these of course you can put into AdSense or other adverts into. So very, very useful. But it can also do some rewriting of the posts as well.
I could do tagging, custom post intervals, add some comments, and cloak links. It's not the cheapest piece of software, I will warn you that right now. It really isn't. However, it is very, very powerful. So, again, which one you decide to go for will depend upon your needs. But you can see the full package is $170. I know it's not cheap, but as I've said, it's very, very powerful. And if you're serious about making autoblogs, then this is some software that you are going to need.
So, what we need to do first of all is we're going to the options here within WP Robot. And you can see here, you've got general options, post everything to published, you know, randomize the time of the first post. You know, randomize post times, you'd want to do that. You'd want to cloak affiliate links. Yes, you want to create tags. So it will pull the tags automatically from the posts.
And now here you can have... You put your Amazon options, your affiliate ID, the API key. You get these from Amazon, it'll tell you how there. So you can choose this as well. If there's no description, you can skip the product. So that's quite useful. How much for description for the full description on. Do you want a particular Amazon site? Post reviews as comments. Now, that's very useful. And here you can sort of template, put a template in as to how you want the post to look. So, very, very powerful.
Again, articles, you can choose to pull articles. You can leave the formatting intact. Or you can replace it, pick a language and so on. And again, Clickbank, you can pull things from Clickbank. It's all based on keywords. eBay, again Yahoo Answers, you can pull things from Yahoo Answers. So that's very good. You can pull videos from YouTube, even Flickr pictures. You can buy modules to pull Yahoo News and RSS or you can translate.
I don't recommend using any of the translation options, simply because you can get a plug-in that will do a much, much better job and integrate nicer with your website.
So those are the options available to you. So you can see, you can post quite a lot here. If you go to probabilities, you can set the probability of what you are posting. So you can say right, well, I'm mainly going to be working on Amazon products. I want 80% Amazon.
I want 5% articles, 5% Clickbank, 5% Yahoo Answers. I don't want any eBay. And I want 5% of that. And what it will do is it will randomize it. So to say 80% of the time you'll have Amazon and 5% you'll have the others. So it's up to you.
This is useful for you because you can... Basically what you're doing is you're randomizing your blog. So if your particular site has a lot of Amazon products, you may go for that. If there's nothing on the ClickBank, you probably won't go for ClickBank at
all. If there's nothing on Amazon, you may take Amazon off. So it's up to you. Just make sure it all adds up to 100 and you'll be fine.
So you can pick which one of these you want to, how often you want to post so that's very, very good for customizing it and really making it look good and making it unique. So this is one way of avoiding a footprint. It's because what you can do is you can randomize the type of content on there. You may have no YouTube on one you may have Yahoo answers on another or vice versa.
You've got bulk ads as an option down here. You can add a large number of keywords and pick which modules these come from. You can see here that this is the format here for what you need to do. So you put your keyword, semicolon, the category, semicolon, how many hours or days and then whether it's hours or days. So you can do that.
I would tend to, if we just go to the main options here, we can put in keywords one at a time. So I could put in, a keyword could be "Squirrel". You pick your category, post every seven hours, want to post any of those, you could search to particular categories and any of these and then you add keywords. And then it will start posting to your blog for you automatically.
Now this here is very, very useful. It's not the easiest thing to use. You need to go here to find the browse nodes, it's a little bit difficult. You've got to find the right department. It's not always clear. But the benefit of this particular part is that if I'm setting up a site about -- let's look at an Amazon category, for example.
If I've set up a site about jewelry for example, or a subcategory of jewelry, I can create my page automatically. And what it will do is it will pull all the content from that category and put it into my blog. So I could pick my jewelry from here and I can get the browse node ID from within that. So maybe say it's engagement rings. And what it will do is it will just go through the whole engagement ring category and slowly but surely post it to my blog.
Now this is a really, really good way of putting content into your blogs and I'm going to be honest, it's very, very powerful. I know it's an expensive tool but it's one that's extremely effective when it comes to making money with autoblogs. It's very, very powerful, very effective.
And you can see, you've got lots of options here of what you can post. And you can monetize, as I said, Amazon with your affiliate and articles with AdSense, ClickBank you can monetize it with, your obviously ClickBank ID, eBay, your eBay affiliate ID. And the rest all with AdSense or YPN or any of the other types of posts -- so very, very, very powerful.
If you're really, really serious about setting up an autoblog then this is a tool that you really, really need. But what I'm going to do is show, in the next video is show you another tool that's a little bit different. It's cheaper, it's not quite as fully featured, but it does some of this and it's going to help you to create a autoblog, particularly if you're aiming to create one and monetize it with AdSense. So I want to show you that next.
But this is a very, very useful and very powerful. It's called WP Robot and the website's WPRobot.net.
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