Auto-Blogging (Introduction)


Auto-Blogging (Introduction)

  • Auto-blogs are blogs that run on autopilot
  • Great way to rapidly set up network of sites
  • Easy to do with the right tools
  • Usually based on Word-press (free software)
  • After initial setup the sites run without any manual input
  • Very powerful method of earning money online

Auto-blogs are blogs that run on autopilot. They're basically self populating blogs and the rapid way of setting up a network of site. They're really, really useful for you to use for short term income. Now, auto-blogs are very, very powerful. They're very easy to set up. And if you do them right, you can roll out an auto-blog in five to 10 minutes.

You know, in an hour you could set up five or six sites easily. But perhaps even more, depending on how quick you are with them. So you can really, really do some very, very good things with auto-blogs.

You do have to be aware that some search engines will consider auto-blogs to be spam, but set up properly and as we're going to talk about in this program, you'll be able to create a network of auto-blogs that will last and run well for you.

As long as you've got the right tools, an auto-blog is easy to do. Without the right tools, you're going to struggle to make money with auto-blogs. I mean, you could set them up and you can get them going, but you really, really want to have the right tools. And what we're going to do in this video training program is show you the right tools that you need to set up your auto-blog.

Now, typically an auto-blog is based on WordPress. Now, obviously it's free to use, which is one of the big reasons to use it. It's good for SCO, it comes with lots of different plug-ins, it's very easy to use, and is basically perfectly designed for auto-blogs. Now, there are other blogging platforms out there that you could use if you wanted to. But they don't have the same functionality that WordPress does. WordPress is really, really advantageous. And if you have Fantastico, then you can install it with a couple of clicks, save a simple script if your web host has that. So WordPress is the platform of choice here.

Now the whole aim of the game is that once you've set the sites up, they run without your manual input. You don't have to do anything with the sites except set them up and let them going. Once they get going, then you find a new site will run and it will basically climb up the search engines and run itself pretty much in autopilot. It's a very, very powerful method of earning money. And it's a good way of setting up a good passive income stream.

So they're a good additional stream of income. Another way for you to earn money. Yeah, you may have membership sites, other AdSense sites and so on. But autoblogs are a really, really good way for you to get going and make money.

We will discuss here:

  • What Autoblogs are
  • Why they are profitable and good to use
  • What to watch out for when creating autoblogs
  • Installation and configuration of an autoblog
  • Demonstration and autoblogging software
  • Monetizing your blogs with special plugins
  • Tips for succeeding with autoblogs
  • And much, much more. (You may watch Audio-Video below)

So what are we going to talk about in this program? We're going to start by talking about exactly what autoblogs are. We've had a brief introduction to them, but we're going to go into more detail about what they are and how to use them. We're going to talk about : 

why they're profitable and why they can provide you with an excellent stream of income. They're very, very powerful, very good. So we just want to talk about those.

We're going to talk about what to watch out for when you're creating autoblogs as well. Now, there's a number of pitfalls, a number of possible problems. So what we want to do is we want to talk about those and make you aware of the potential issues that you are facing with autoblogs. And how you can get around them and create successful autoblogs that sit there and earn money for you and aren't de-listed or deleted or otherwise removed.

I'm going to show you how to install a configuring auto-blog. Now, obviously that's not something that perhaps you know how to do. So we're going to show you exactly how to do that. We're going to demonstrate some auto-blogging software. So I'm going to show you some of the plug-ins you can use for WordPress. And how they can help you to help set up a really, really good looking and powerful auto-blog.

And ultimately, that's what you're after achieving. We're also going to show you a couple of special plug-ins. These are particularly good plug-ins, and they can be used to help you monetize your blog. So they're very, very powerful, very good. So I'm kind of quite excited to show you those.

We're also going to show you some tips for succeeding with auto-blogs. Now, obviously, as I've said, you can setup an auto-blog, anyone can set them up. But to do well with them, you need some insider information.

I mean, you can work it out through trial and failure if you want, if that's your prerogative. But in order to really learn how to succeed with auto-blogs, you can learn from someone who's been there and done it and made those mistakes. Or you can speed up your learning curve by listening to these tips and implementing them on your websites. And of course there's going to be much, much more.

Now, an auto-blog network can make you an awful lot of money. It will run on autopilot, so there's nothing for you to do with it. And of course you have options, down the line once they're making money. You can always sell them on or anything like that. So there's lots and lots of different choices you can make here with the auto-blogs for how you earn from it. Now you can earn from affiliate commissions, you can earn from AdSense commissions, you can earn from any other type of advertiser you want.

So we're going to go into a lot more detail now. So I want to start going into more detail about what an auto-blog is and how they work. So we're going to talk about that in the next video. 

What Auto-blogging Actually Is

  • What Is Auto-blogging?
  • Creating a network of self populating websites
  • That require No manual intervention by you
  • They automatically add content at intervals specified by yourself
  • All you do is drive traffic to them
  • Quick way to create a massive network of websites
  • If targeted enough will rank very quickly too
  • Can use these to build sites to flip
  • To create sites to keep and earn from
  • Or to find potentially profitable niches and then expand in to those niches
  • Can be done by novice or advanced marketer
  • Wordpress is free to use
  • Using some plungins will cost you money but provide you with excellent functionality
  • Easy way to create a network of profitable sites

So let's go into a bit more detail about what auto-blogging actually is. Well, auto-blogging is about creating a network of self populating websites.

They're websites which automatically add content, generate traffic, rank well, and earn for you. The whole auto bit stands for automatic. It's all about setting everything up on autopilot so it's automatically working for you. So you can see instantly it's a very powerful stream of income. If you can set one of these sites up between five and 15 minutes and get it running, then obviously you can create a vast number of these sites very, very quickly.

And of course, they can make you a good amount of money. If you pick the right keywords and they rank really well, then you can do very, very well with autoblog.

So the aim of the game, they are all completely self populating, running on autopilot with no manual intervention by yourself. The idea is that you're not turning up every week to add new content or change the advertising banners or anything like that at all. The whole point of autoblogging is that you are setting them up so that you never have to come back and touch them again.

You're not fussed about upgrading plug-ins unless there's a major problem with them. You're not fussed about upgrading WordPress or anything like that. You just want them to stay there and run and earn money for you.

So what you do is using the plug-ins and the tools that we'll talk about throughout this video course, you can set them up so that they automatically add content at intervals specified by yourself. So you can set it to add just a couple of pieces a day or 10 pieces a day, whatever it might be.

But you do need to be aware that you've got to think naturally when you do this. You've got to think about how would a normal website add new content in the real world, if you like. If it was a real blog and not an autoblog, how regularly and how often would content be added? So you do need to consider that. So what I recommend is that you add no more than, a few pieces of content a day. Two, three, four, maybe five at a push.

If you can, you want to do it at random times. So you may say, well, I'll do it every five and a half hours. I'll add the piece of content every seven and a half hours, every 10 hours. You may say, well, I'll add new content three times a day. Whatever it might be, depends on the plug-in you're using as to how you can specify the intervals.

And then all you need to do is do some simple traffic generation with them. It shouldn't take too long to do simply because they're very, very highly targeted websites. So they'll rank fairly well naturally by themselves. So a bit of social bookmarking, a couple of articles, et cetera, et cetera, and you should be ranking very, very well.

So basically autoblogging is a quick way of creating a huge network of sites. So if you think about it , say it takes me 10 minutes to create an autoblog. That means I can create six an hour, doesn't it? So, you know, if I work eight hours a day, eight sixes, what's that? 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 -- I can create 48 sites a day. So in a week times it by five, you're talking 240 sites in a week.

So, you know, you can create an awful lot of sites with these. So even if each one just earns even 50 cents a day for you, on average, you're still talking in a week you've created a daily income of $120 a day. So yeah, there's a lot of potential with these sites.

And of course, once you set up the autoblogs, if you find some that are doing really, really well, there's nothing to stop you turning it into a proper authority site and expanding upon it, or generating more sites within that niche.

So the key is to do your keyword research and then make sure you're ranking very, very quickly. If you've got a good keywords and you've targeted them properly, then your autoblog will rank surprisingly quickly.

So, what can you do with these sites? Well, one of the things you can do is you can build the sites to flip. You can it up as an autoblog, run it for a few months, get it ranking, get it earning, and then you can sell it for six to 10 times the earnings. So, you can do very, very well. You can turn it from an autoblog into a normal blog, then you disable all the autoblogging functions, leave it running, and sell it.

If you are selling an autoblog you do have to make sure that what the permissions you have on any plug-ins you're using, if you bought any plug-ins, you may not be able to sell those with the website. You may have to remove them first, or insist that the buyer purchase a license.

Now obviously this is a good choice as you can create the sites and keep them. And you can earn from them regularly. So, if you've built your network of 1000 sites, you can earn from them for as long as you want to, as long as they're ranking and doing well.

Or, another alternative is if you remember how do you cook spaghetti -- you cook it, and then you throw it against the wall and see if it sticks. And that's one of the analogies we can use here.

You basically create hundreds and hundreds of sites, throw it against the wall, see which sticks. You find the ones that are profitable and doing well, and expand into those niches.

You may create other sites within those niches, other authority sites, you may create products within those niches, whatever. But it's a good way for you to test out a number of niches very quickly and determine which are going to be profitable.

So it doesn't matter whether you're a novice or advanced marketer, anywhere in between. It doesn't matter if you're just setting out on your adventure into Internet marketing, you can still use autoblogs. Autoblogs don't require any particular skill, it just requires patience and the ability to do some keyword research, and set the sites up. So it's not too difficult to use.

Now WordPress is our platform of choice and it's completely free. I would not recommend doing the manual install because it takes far too much time. I would make sure that your web host has either SimpleScripts or Fantastico and that you install it from there. Simply because it's a lot, lot quicker.

Now if you did it manually, it would take you, it could take you quite a while. Do it through Fantastico it will take you 60 seconds if you type slowly. So it's not going to take you a lot of time to do. So WordPress is the platform of choice because there's so many options available with it.

Now we are now going to talk about some plug-ins in this course that are going to cost you some money. But ultimately then, end of the day, and trust me, I've done some research here, they are absolutely the best plug-ins for autoblogs. And they will make sure that you make decent money from them.

You can use some of the free plug-ins, but they do not give you the flexibility and the functionality that the paid plug-ins do. The paid plug-ins will really, really help you to create fantastically profitable sites very easily.

So autoblogs are an easy way to create a network of profitable sites. You can create 50, 100 sites a week, maybe more. So you can see very, very quickly you can build up a massive amount of autoblogs.

And these can earn well for you. You can build up a network of autoblogs in the particular sites, and you can use them to promote your real money sites. You can do that. You can use them as a way to get incoming links through GS Sites, a way to really boost your network, other websites.

So it's a fantastic level of opportunity here with autoblogs. A really, really powerful tools for you to use. And ultimately you're only limited in what you can do with them with your imagination and the amount of time you're willing to spend messing around with them. 

So you now know what autoblogs are. You know roughly what they're going to do. You know what you can do with the autoblogs. Now we want to go into a bit more detail about the autoblogs themselves and what to look out for with them and how to start setting them up.

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