Tuesday, April 20, 2021

 Twiogle Twitter Commenter

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I want to show you the Twiogle Twitter Commentator next. Now this is a good plug-in, because all it does is pulls in comments from Twitter to your own blog posts. So it looks at every tag in your posts and it tries to pull Tweets from Twitter based from your tags and posts that Tweet as a comment.

So it's kind of useful in that it's going to get comments onto your blog posts. And that means that your blog posts look much more like they are genuinely being visited and used by people. So it's quite a useful tool.

There are many other plug-ins like this and this is just one that I've chosen to show you. Now you've probably heard of Twitter. Twitter is a fantastic tool. And you can integrate it with WordPress in a number of different ways. It is up to you to decide how exactly you want to do it. This is just one method.

Now if you've set your Twitter account to build on autopilot using one of the many services out there to build followers, then you will have a lot of followers and many of the other plug-ins.

Let me just show you some of the other plug-ins that are available for Twitter. You have plug-ins that will go both ways.

Twitter Tools is a good one. It integrates your WordPress and your Twitter account so that what you Twitter gets posted to your WordPress blog and visa versa. Here's another one as well. Twitter for WordPress. That's the latest Tweets and so on. If you are using Twitter a lot in the niche that you created the website, you can use some of these plug-ins so there is fresh content on your website. So there's lots of different ones.

So this one here looks quite useful. It handles Twitter feeds. So that could be very useful. It's got very good ratings as well. So there you are. You can see there's quite a few useful Twitter posts there that you could use. Which one you choose to use is entirely up to you, how you want to manage that integration.

As I said, if you set your Twitter account in that niche, to run on autopilot, to have friends added, and everything like that, then the integration with your WordPress blog is a very, very good idea. Remember the search engines like to see fresh content.

And if your tweets are being displayed on your WordPress blog then they'll see that's fresh new content being regularly added. If the whole thing is running together on autopilot, then it works very nicely for you. It's a good way to alternate traffic, traffic and flow between the two.

So Twitter people can come to your WordPress blog and WordPress people can come to your Twitter account. It's very, very, good. But we are just going to install this one. Because I like the fact that it takes Twitter comments.

Oh, wrong button. It takes Twitter comments and puts them into your own blog posts. So there you are, you can see some of it about what it does here.

So one thing it does do, and this is true, is that people don't like to be the first to comment on a blog. So it can be very, very, very good to encourage people to start commenting. And if you look at a lot of blogs, they don't have any comments at all. So this can get you over that and get it that you are starting to get comments. It just encourages that interaction.

So down here under settings we have out Twitter Commentator. So how many per post? Again, randomize this. Don't always make it the same. So this time we are going to make it 11. Yes, we want to have tweets as no follow. We don't want that. Again, let's take these off and make it look like a real comment. So there you are.

Just having a look through that we can update our options. So we update our options and save these changes. And then what it will do is generate two comments per day automatically. So what it's doing is giving that organic look.

It's making it look like people are naturally commenting your site. If you site suddenly had 11 comments appear in a day then that is a bit suspicious and the search engines are going to go, "Um, there's something fishy about that."

By having a couple a day, that looks very, very, very, natural. So you can speed that up a little if you want to by clicking this button, but remember, these are autoblogs we are creating and the whole point is to live on an autopilot. So two comments per day is just fine.

That's all that we need to do. So basically that's it. This will add comments to your post to make it look like people are commenting there, so it's going to look much more like a natural blog. There is going to be fresh content for the search engines. The search engines will come to your site, see that people have commented, and that's obviously going to be good for them because they are not stupid and they understand that that means that there's people coming there.

Using this option, will make sure it's going to look more like a real comment. All in all this is going to help you significantly I believe with your autoblog.

So, basically, do remember to put the tags into your post. You've got to use tags. If they're unfamiliar words, you may not get comments. But by using commonly used tags then it will pull in Tweets for you. So very, very powerful, very effective, and it's really going to help your site look more like a genuine blog, and less like an autoblog.

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